About Me

Who am I

My name is Bryan. I live in the Waitakere Ranges in Auckland, New Zealand with my wife and five kids. I work full time, studying a Diploma in Photography part time, and get out and shoot photos when I can. I shoot mostly around Auckland, but when time permits, I love to get out round beautiful New Zealand and capture what I see.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in photography. I can remember my first point and shoot film camera of the late 1990's, and while I did not shoot purposefully, I did enjoy taking photos and even more so when I fluked a good photo! 

My first DLSR

The year is 2005. I finally took the plunge and purchased my first DSLR. The mighty Canon 350D. It had a whopping 8MP Sensor and could shoot 3fps. It was a start. I decided then and there that I wasn't going to spend all that money to have a camera like that and shoot on Auto. So I did a day course with a professional photographer and I learnt the basics. That was a really good base of learning and I had a lot of confidence to shoot in Manual after that day. I still have that camera, although it is more a display piece now rather than anything useful. 

The start of the passion

My next camera was a second hand Canon 70D. This is where my photography started to thrive. I spent a lot of time out shooting with amazing photographers and I learnt a lot from them. When I look back at my journey, it was these great mates that pushed my limits and helped me start to capture shots that I never thought I could. I still love to get out shooting with them when I can and they still push me to be better.

My journey continues...

After I managed to kill my 70D, I purchased my current Camera. A Canon 90D. My skills at this point are levels above where I was a few years ago. My photography is very deliberate now rather than shoot and hope for the best. It has been amazing to see my abilities increase and realise the hard work I am doing and continue to do, is paying off. 

I am currently doing a diploma in Photography and I am also doing informal online study with The School of Photography. Both of these schools continue to push me, teach me new things and open my eyes to new concepts.

The School of Photography Members Profile

This year, The School of Photography has started sharing members profiles on their website. Excitingly for me, I was asked to share a bit about my journey and also a few photos to put on a gallery. I feel very privileged to have been asked to share especially when I looked at the others that were asked. I consider them amazing photographers and to be asked along with them, is pretty humbling.  Check out the link below!